Skeletons of a Course of
Theological Lectures
By Charles G. Finney
Lecture XIV.
Moral Attributes.--No. 5.
Wisdom Of God.
First. Define Wisdom.
1. Wisdom is the most benevolent use of knowledge and power.
2. The attribute of wisdom in God, is his disposition to use his knowledge and power in the most benevolent manner. In other words, to exercise his natural attributes for the promotion of the highest good.
3. It is the choice of the best or most benevolent ends, and of the most suitable means for the accomplishment of those ends.
Second. Wisdom is an attribute of God.
1. The benevolence of God has been established. Benevolence is good willing, or the love of being and of happiness. The exercise of benevolence, together with its carrying out, or its gratification, constitutes the happiness of God.
2. God's happiness is infinitely the greatest good in the universe. It is plainly the greatest possible good. To purpose to do what he most loves to do, and thus promote his own happiness by the exercise and gratification of his infinitely benevolent disposition, is certainly the perfection of wisdom. His supreme end must have been the promotion of his own glory and happiness, as this was the highest, most worthy, and desirable end that he could propose to himself. A subordinate end, is the virtue and happiness of his creatures. Their happiness is not regarded as a mere means of promoting his own, but as an end, something chosen for its own sake. Yet an end subordinate to his own glory and happiness, as the virtue, glory, and happiness of all creatures, is infinitely less valuable than the glory and happiness of God.
3. The Bible declares that God made all things for himself.
4. The Bible declares that God governs all things for his own glory. This certainly is wise.
5. The means which he has selected and which he uses for the promotion of these ends declare his wisdom.
(1.) The creation of the material universe must have been
a source of enjoyment to him. At the end of every day's labor, he declared
his satisfaction by pronouncing it good.
(2.) In the works of creation all his
natural attributes were exercised and reflected upon
(3.) His providential government is a
continued exercise and reflection upon himself of his natural and
moral attributes.
(4.) If an artist takes pleasure in
imitating the works of God, what must have been God's happiness in
creating, and what must now be his happiness in sustaining the
universe. Every moral being is in some degree sensible of the
pleasures of taste. There is reason to believe that the taste of
God is infinitely refined and exquisite. The beautiful and
diversified scenery of the world and of the universe--the
exquisite and inimitable penciling of the flowers--the colors and
sweet sublimity of the rainbow, and a countless number of grand,
sublime, beautiful, and exquisite things in the creation of God,
render it manifest that he not only possesses taste of a most
refined character, but that he has given himself full scope in its
exercise and gratification. The great western prairies are his
flower gardens. He has scattered a profusion of beauties, not only
wherever there are mortal eyes to behold them, but also where no
eye but his own beholds them.
(5.) His happiness must have been still
more refined and exquisite in the creation and government of
sentient beings, and in the numberless adaptations and
contrivances for the promotion of their happiness.
(6.) The providential care of them must
also be a source of continual enjoyment to him.
(7.) But most of
all, the creation, government, and happiness of moral beings, afforded
him exquisite
enjoyment. When he had made man, he manifested his supreme
pleasure in this work by pronouncing it "very good." Moral beings
are capable of sympathizing with him, of being governed by the
same motives, of forming the same character, of enjoying the same
kind of happiness, capable of understanding his works and word,
and of holding communion and fellowship with him. Thus it appears
that God has chosen the highest ends, and the best means of
accomplishing them, which is the perfection and the whole of
6. The Bible every where ascribes wisdom to God, and affirms that all wisdom belongs to him. It speaks of him as "God only wise," and "the only wise God," and affirms that wisdom is an eternal attribute of God.
1. In the material and moral universe, God has spread out before himself a vast field of usefulness.
2. In the works of creation he has opened to himself an endless source of enjoyment.
3. He takes more pleasure in giving than we do in receiving.
4. All that he has done and is doing for sinners must afford him great satisfaction.
5. The more we depend on him to do for us, the more highly we please him.
6. We can be truly happy only as we imitate God.