Character, Claims And Practical Workings Of Freemasonry (1869)
by Charles G. Finney
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Scrap of History Chapter 3: How Known Chapter 4: Credibility of the Books Revealing Freemasonry Chapter 5: Examination of the Books Revealing Freemasonry Chapter 6: Masters Degree Chapter 7: Royal Arch Degree Chapter 8: Sworn to Persecute Chapter 9: Awful Profanity of Masonic Oaths Chapter 10: Perverse and Profane Use of The Holy Bible Chapter 11: Freemasonry Imposes on the Ignorant Chapter 12: Masonry Susceptible of Change Only By Additions Chapter 13: The Claim of Freemasonry To Great Antiquity... Chapter 14: The Boasted Benevolence Of Masons A Sham Chapter 15: Freemasonry is a False Religion Chapter 16: Great and Good Men Have Been and Are Freem... Chapter 17: Masonic Oaths Are Unlawful and Void Chapter 18: Why Freemasons Resort To Threats Chapter 19: Relations of Masonry to The Church of Christ Chapter 20: Conclusion